Saturday, 21 February 2015

 I C T.      CLASS 5

1.                  The small picture on the desktop are called…….  A. icons           b. tools      c. book        d. keys

2.                 The part of the computer that display information is called                                                                                      a. system unit                           b. Mouse                    c. Monitor                   d. keyboard  

3.                 Which one of these is not a function of the mouse ………….                                                                                    a. dragging                              b. pointing                     c. clicking                 d. typing

4.                 The part of the computer that you can see and touch is referred to as the …..                                           a. program                               b. software                     c. Hardware               d. Accessories

5.                 Moving the mouse while holding down a mouse button is………………                                                        a. clicking                                b. dragging                       c. pointing                d. typing 

6.                 What is the other name for switching of the computer?                                                                                                             a. booting                                 b. Processing                  c. Pressing                 d. Buying

7.                 The other name for the monitor is…….                        a. Visual Display Unit                                                       b. Vision Display Unit              c. Video Display Unit             d. Visual Disorder Unit.

8.                What is the full meaning of U. P. S?                a. Universal Power Supply                                                                              b. Universal Point Supply               c. Find items                   d. Change System Setting.

9.                 The start button on the taskbar in not used to do one of following                                                                              a. start program   b. find items               c. change system setting             d. get to friends.

10.            The mouse must sit on a mouse ………..when using it         a. table   b. plate    c. pad       d. chair

11.              All the following are input devices except………………                                                                                              a. mouse           b. joystick         c. keyboard              d. monitor.

12.             All the following are parts of the main computer except    a. keyboard   b. monitor   c. system unit         d. mouse pad
13.             All the following are out devices except ………….                                                                                                       a. Joystick                      b. Monitor                             c. Speaker                         d. Printer.

14.             The part of the computer that can be seen but cannot be touch is known as………..                               a. Program                    b. Software                             c. Hardware                    d. Accessories

15.             The viewable are of the desktop is called……….                                                                                                    a Computer                    b. Monitor                            c. Laptop                        d. Screen.

16.             All the following are I. C. T. tools except…………a. knife           b. radio              c. letter       d. phone

17.             The following are sources of information except………………..                                                                         a. letter                         b. fan                                    c. radio                           d. phone

18.            Icons are features on the desktop screen     a. true           b. false            c. may be     d. I don’t know

19.             Radio is a tool for sending and receiving information.                                                                               a. true                        b. false                    c. may be                   d. I don’t know.

20.           Notification area display the time and date           a. true    b. false      c. may be   d. I don’t know.

Answer only two (2)
1.                  A. Differentiate between hardware and software.

B. Explain the word an input device.

C. Mention four (4) example of an input device

D. Explain the word a Computer.

2.                 A. Explain the word an Output devices

B. Mention four (4) example of an output device.

C. List ten (10) tools for sending and receiving information.

3.                 A. Draw and table a desktop Computer including the printer and the speakers.

B. Draw and lable a laptop Computer.

C. Mention five (5) features on the desktop screen.